Hello reader, I’m Sinan and this is the second time I’m starting an apparel brand. The first time, when I started @co.kokoclothing ( insert instagram link ) I failed drastically, but I believe one should stand up again & again after every failure. Now, that’s a believe I damn want to wear around! Hence, MMT is your way to wearing your believe, your idea and your thoughts
Musab Nawaz is the name, and just like my dear friend Sinan here, this is my second time starting an apparel brand too. But, but but, No I didn’t fail at my first one, in fact @thewoonstore ( insert instagram link ) was a great success! Yet, I believe there was no more left to learn with that experience, hence here I am, all ready to learn from this new experience. Learning & Growing, that’s my belief. What’s yours? Let’s wear it around